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Dec 122013



I had some time this week to finish up five new podcasts that I’ll be cranking out in the coming weeks. I also recently treated my room with homemade sound absorption panels, and the new podcast intros are my first tests of the panels. I normally record the spoken intros with an SM58 dynamic microphone.  I wanted to really test the limits of my absorption panels, so for the these intros, I decided to use the ultra-sensitive Rode NT1000 condenser mic. The result is pretty nice with higher fidelity and WAY less room reflections than the previous intros.

My new homemade sound absorption panels.

My new homemade sound absorption panels.

Today’s podcast is episode 106: Dig Deep.

On July 22nd, 2013 the Dig Deep Light Show performed an improvised light show in the basement of Noa Noa house. Members Scott Sanders, Dave Shamban and Brian Miles use overhead projectors, clear glass serving plates, transparencies, and multi-colored liquids to create beautiful abstract images at concerts and multimedia shows. Normally, they’re taking cues from whatever band they accompany, but for this show, we wanted the visual artists to take the lead for a change. So Scott and Dave performed an improvised light show (Brian attended but did not participate that night) while a group of musicians sat in the back of the room and created a score to the visuals. That musical improv is what you’re about to hear.


This was part of a lineup that also included the bands Insect Factory and Public Speaking. I also recorded their performances, and I’m offering those recordings as free downloads. Download the Insect Factory set here and the Public Speaking set here. Note that these are mixing board recordings. There may be some un-mic-ed acoustic portions that are not very present on the recordings. You can also check out video clips below.

The Dig Deep Light show improv featured Tim Carey (84001) on synths and guitar, Alan Fey on Marimba, Matt Hamilton on guitar and effects, Mike Hiegemann on Analog Synths and Bass guitar, Craig Schenker on Alto Sax and Flute, and Chris Watts (Most Amazing Century of Science) on Alto Sax and Glockenspiel.



Tyler Blankenship put together a wonderful video that links the music recording with video of the light show. Check it out below.

Nov 052011

“That’s when I knew that I had the supernatural anointment of one of the otherlee conduits of miraculous divine healing. So now. . . reconstruct the eardrum! Polka! Listen to the polka!” – Dave Cloud – 4th Annual Halloween Extravaganza

Join punk music legend Dave Cloud and a ragtag group of disparate instrumentalist for the most bizarre episode to date. Dave recounts the haunting tale of the evil 22 year old succubus who tempted him during his beach-front honeymoon. Is it scary? Perhaps not. Will it drive you insane? Most likely. Starring Rhendi Greenwell, Josh Gumiela, Mike Hiegemann, Randy Hunt, Pimpdaddysupreme, and the inimitable Dave Cloud! Featuring the screams of Mara Bissel and Clara Fisher. Be warned: This episode is explicit and potentially offensive to . . . well . . . everyone, especially if you’re one of Dave’s ex-wives.

In the words of Dave Cloud, “DIE REAL GOOD!”

If you like this episode, check out the previous three Halloween Extravaganzas: One, Two, and Three.

Oct 312010
Chambers of Horror

Chambers of Horror Haunted House

As a fitting finale for Halloweird! October, we present the 3rd Annual Halloween Extravaganza, an exploration of the link between fear and arousal. Podcast 39 stars Mike Hiegemann on bass and Hammond organ, Austin Gaines on no-input mixer and various gadgets, Anderson Cook on guitar and synth, and JJ Jones on vocals and drums. I did the interviews, live mixing, clip playback/manipulation, and post production. We interview the creators of the adult-themed haunted houses Chambers of Horror and House of Horrors. Extra special thanks to Lucas Godfrey and Lindsay Starke of Chambers of Horror and Gork of House of Horrors. We also discuss Netherworld and Atlanta Zombie Apocalypse. All of these haunted houses are worth your while, each in its own way. They’re all open today, and all will be coming back next year. If you’re in Atlanta, by all means go to Chambers of Horror, one of the most innovative haunted houses I’ve ever seen. If you’re in Nashville, House of Horrors is an experience I promise you will never forget.

I was a little worried for this episode. We had to postpone it a few times, and today became the deadline. Most of the T.I. participants were busy with Halloween stuff, but Mike, Austin, Anderson, and JJ really came through with some haunting sounds. The improv serves the 1st and 2nd Halloween Extravaganzas proud!

If you like our show, share it with a friend or write us a review in iTunes.

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